
Friday, November 13, 2020

Science- do plants need sunlight?

Walt conduct a fair test to see if plants need sun light to grow 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Planting my seedlings

 We were learning about what the sun does to the plants 

I found it easy to put the plant in the soil.

I found it hard to hold the plant up for my buddy to put the soil back on to the plant.

I really enjoyed helping my buddy put my plant in the hole.

Next time I need to make sure it doesn't die.



Friday, October 16, 2020

Recount Writing going out for dinner


Going out for dinner On Sunday night I walked to King Wah with my family. First we paid to go into the restaurant. Then we waited until the other families came. There were 3 families. I was so happy going out for dinner. When they came, we ordered our kai and Bron had to wait until my mum came back. She let me go first to get our kai, then the boys got their kai. I got one jelly and Coleslaw and mussels. Then we said grace. My kai was so delicious I was jumping up and down. I was as happy as a clown. My brothers had chicken and salad. After we said grace we ate our kai. It was so amazing and delicious. My brothers thought their kai was yummy and delicious and the other families thought their kai was yummy too. I love King Wah. After we ate our dinner all the kids played hide and seek. I was in. I had to count up to 50. I found my cousin Cara first. He was hiding under the table and I found Bron second. He was hiding behind the wall. So then Cara counted up to 50. He found Bron first, then he found me. I liked playing hide and seek. It was an amazing game. After that we went for a walk to the lookout in Paihia. It was fantastic and wonderful. Next we got an ice cream each. I got a mixed berry sorbet. It was so delicious. Everyone else got the same, except my mum and Makoha. My mum got chocolate mint and Makoha got strawberry. We loved our ice cream. Next we walked home and ate our ice cream. It was an awesome day.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Daisy Science Experiment

 WALT make predictions and observe carefully.

Friday, September 11, 2020

My Spelling Graph.


My Learning Wall

Here is my remarkable learning wall. It shows me what level I am on and what I need to do to get to the next level.  

Made with Padlet

My Writing Graph

My writing graph  shows  that I am writing above my expected level.


My Reading Graph

My reading graph shows I am reading above my expected level.


My Reading Recording.

I am reading at level  27


My yellowing up sheet.


SMART Relationships

We are learning to be SMART if something happens online that we don’t like.

 We were learning about what you do when someone´s mean online.
I found it easy to do the back ground for my infographic.

I found it hard to find the images.
I really enjoyed doing my background and my STOP and my writing.
Next time I need to follow these rules so I don´t say mean things back.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Winter bear

I made my art work with blue  and green dye  I blew  black  paint  with a straw to make my tree.



Here is my spider from the story, A spider in the shower.

Place value

WALT  find how many  hundreds, ones in three digit numbers.

Letter to my mum.

 WALT talk  about what we are learning about sound.I wanted to share  with  my family what  I was learning about sound

We wrote letters to our parents to explain what we were learning for our Inquiry. Dear Mum From Amethyst. We are learning about sound. The first thing that I learnt was that if you make a sound the particles move from particles until it gets to your ear and then it gets to the eardrum and it goes through your bones and then to the stirrup and then the cochlea and grabs the message and then it sends a message to your brain. Another fact that I learnt was that sound is energy like light or electricity. Sound is made when objects vibrate. Sound vibrations travel in waves by pushing air particles together. Vibrations can be powerful. The stronger the vibrations the louder the sound. I also learnt that if you have a tuning fork and bang it on the table to make it vibrate then put it in water it will make a splash because of the vibrations. We did an experiment with sprinkles and glad wrap over a bowl. We put the sprinkles on the gladwrape  and made an ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sound. The sprinkles moved because of the vibrations coming from our  sound. Another experiment we did was with a tuning fork and a string and a ping pong ball. We made the tuning fork vibrate and put it by the ping pong ball and the vibrations moved the ping pong ball. You can feel the vibrations from the tuning fork. They feel buzzy and ticklish. Another experiment was with some rice and a container and a wooden spoon. We made the rice jump by made a loud noise next to the container. All of our experiments showed us that sound is energy because it can make things move. I also learnt that in space there is no sound. The only way that sound can work is if you have air.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Learning about sound

WALT find information from the text to answer questions.

Read the text and find the information to answer these questions.

What is sound?

Sound is energy. Sound has power. 

How is sound made?

When you make something vibrate like when you strum a guitar, the vibrations make the air molecules bump into each other. Sound is made by vibrations.

How does sound travel?

Sound starts when something vibrates then the air molecules move and they make a sound wave that takes the sound to your ear.

How do we hear sounds?

Once in your ear , the vibrations travel into the ear canal until they reach the eardrum and then sends a message to your brain and your brain decides what it is.

Why can’t sound be heard in space?

Because there is no air in space. Sound needs air molecules to carry the sound.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Addition of 2 digit numbers.

 WALT  solve addition problems with 2 digit numbers.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

3 digit numbers.

 WALT find hundreds tens and ones in 3 digit numbers.

Monday, August 17, 2020

3 digit numbers

WALT understand 3 digit numbers 

Monday, August 10, 2020

Sound Science


Place value

WALT say how many  hundreds ,tens and ones in 3 digit numbers.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Writing assessment

I  have been learning to mark my own writing.My birthday
Yesterday afternoon I stayed at my dad's house with my brothers and Tasha. It was in Paihia. We played on the devices. First I watched troom  troom while  Bron was Playing On The Xbox He was playing  racing games He came 6th place. At lunch time my dad made us a yummy lunch. We had marshmallows and sausage rolls and popcorn. It was delicious like lollies and juice. It was amazing. Then we went outside and played hide in  seek in the rain. Le Bron was in the rain  slowly stopped. We said yay he counted up to 57 I hid behind  the bushes I said I'm ready. He looked behind the car and saw me doing weaving. He said I found   you.  Next we went back in the house. My dad said 9 minutes until you are going to your mother's house  so your mother can spend some time with you ok dad. It has been 9 minutes so i'm going to drop you off. I'll get the car started ok he started up the car and turned on the heater so it could be warm lets get in the car ok. After That we were at my mums  house  she said happy birthday ame thanks can you help carry some food yup when we carried the stafe  in  side she said look under your pillow i was so excited under my pillow  it was a bag I opened the bag it was clothes I had a adidas t-shirt and adidas jersey and tights I said yay. Finally we went to bed. I had an amazing day. It was awesome and cool. I like birthdays I thought it was amazing day

I scored my writing 19 points. That means I am a 2b writer.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Place value

WALT say how many  hundreds ,tens and ones in 3 digit numbers.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Reading-How to make a mini worm farm

WALT use information from a text.

My basic fact certificate

Recount writing Flooding.

WALT make our writing more interesting  for our readers.
On Friday afternoon I went to my cousin’s house with my mum and brother. We waited for my cousins to come back home from Auckland. When they came back they saw the huge flood. They saw gushing and rushing flood water. The gushing rushing flood water damaged the road outside our house. It  filled up everywhere right up to the first step of our house.
The flood water filled up the next door neighbours' paddocks. I couldn’t see the grass, I couldn’t see the road. Everything was covered with water. I felt worried. I had a lump in my throat and I was biting the top of my lip. My hands were shaking and my knees felt like rubber. Then my cousins were excited. They wanted to go for a swim in the flood water.
We asked our parents if we could swim in the flood. They said yes. When they said yes, we were jumping up and down. We were as happy as clowns. We were so excited. We got dressed  as fast as we could. Nana saw us in white clothes so she said, “Get dressed in black because all of your white clothes will get paru stains on them and they will get very dirty.”  So we got dressed in black. Dallas said, “Hurry up we wanna go for a  swim.” When we got outside the flooded puddles looked really deep but it was shallow. So we had a swim.  We were doing slides and splashing. First we ran to the first  puddle and to another puddle. At the second  puddle we slid on our puku. My papa felt worried because he thought the flood water was going to go in the house because it was on the 1st step so he grabbed a pump and sucked the water up. We said, “oooooooooo!” 
Luckily he didn't suck all the water. Then we went to the driveway. It was flooded and it was damaged. My papa was worried about the driveway because he thought the cars couldn't drive in but luckily that didn't happen. 
After our swim, me and Anetta-May had a shower because we were so freezing that my fingers were shivering and my legs felt like jelly. It warmed her up  and me up too. I said for fun, “This is warming up my heart.”  We had to wash our hair because we had grass in it. After that we said to Papa, “Why did you suck up all the water.  We wanted to have another swim tomorrow.”  “Too bad.” said Papa. 
Then the rained slowed down. Finally the rain stopped. We all said, “Yay, it’s stopped raining!”
We hoped that everything would go back to normal.  

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Recount Writing At home

WALT use the correct structure and language in our writing At home On Saturday afternoon I went with my mum and brothers to our spa pool in our backyard. We were having a nice soak in the lovely warm water. It was so nice and warm because it was a very cold day. Should I get some snacks yes can I have a muesli bar and a yummy sandwich Mum said, “What do you want Bron?” Bron said, “A water and half a chocolate. Mum said, “OK, coming right up.” Me and Bron were jumping up and down in the spa When Mum got our food, First I ate my yummy sandwich. It was yummy like a lolly. Bron drank his water. He was so hot but then the water was so cold that the water made him cool down. The chocolate made his tummy yummy. When he tasted the chocolate, he was happy like a clown. We ate our food. Then we got out and dried ourselves. My mum said, “Wasn't it nice to have a soak?” We said, “Yes.” Then we played hide in seek in the house. My mum was in. Bron was hiding in our cupboard. I was hiding under .the bed. My mum found Bron first because the door was going to open. The door was opening because Bron couldn't breath. I was the last one to get found. Bron was in. On our last round of playing hide and go seek, Bron had to count up to 30. My mum hid by the curtain. I hid by the door where Bron couldn’t find me. Bron found me first. My mum got found the last. We finished our game and we felt amazing. I was as happy as a clown and I was nearly smart as an owl. Next I said, “Should we play on the trampoline?” Bron and my Mum said, “Yes come on then let's go.” Then when we got on there, my mum was jumping the highest. The leaves were dropping like a feather on a bird. My mum and Bron were so tired that he stopped jumping. I said, “Should we get a drink?” After that we went to see the birds. Me and Bron got to feed the birds. They were starving. My mum said they are really hungry. I felt hungry too. Finally I went to my room and had a story about the night blanket.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Repeated addition

The Faces on the NZ banknotes.

I had to find the faces of famous NZ people on the NZ banknotes.

The images on the back of a NZ $5 note.

I found the information to finish this chart in my text-Taking note.

Images on the front of the NZ $5 note

WALT find information and ideas from the text about the $5 note.

My take note slide show.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Summary Chart about NZ coins

Repeated Addition

Walt to use repeated Addition  to solve multpilcation problems

On Sunday

I have learnt how to put talking on my story.
On sunday I went to my dad's house in paihia to visit him. I went with my brother. First I played tag. It was excellent. Then we went to the park. I was playing on the monkey bars. I got heaps of blisters. After that I went to the swings I was trying to swing to the top of the chain but I didn't so I kept on trying but I didn't so we played grounds laver b we were screeming cause we thought we were gonna fall in the laver but my dad did fall in the laver first. Next we went to the coats When we got there my dad said to me that is't good to be back to the coats yes we.played basketball my dad always wins because he was a basketball player when was 20 years old now he is 30 years old and he is tall and that's another reason that he is winning then. Finally we went for a rest after that we went outside my mum's house she said how your dad was good.nnd when we got out my mum picked us up . When I got there my mum said how your dad was. good.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Mother's day flowers

I was able to watch an instruction video from our Mother's day
project for our online learning.
I followed the instructions carefully and created
this beautiful bouquet of flowers for my Mum.

Week 4: Class Award

At our Google Meet school assembly for this week - Week 4,
I was awarded the class award for my outstanding work.
I completed 75 lessons on studyladder and created some beautiful tributes for
my mum.

Bronze trophy Certificate

I have been learning and working with the studyladder programme 
for my online learning.
I have earned over 1000 points for my outstanding work.
Here is my Bronze Trophy certificate.

Mother's day card

I designed this card for my Mum and
I wrote her a letter.

A poem for Mum

I used some of the describing words in my alphabet activity, to 
write a poem about my Mum.

My Magical Mum

I watched an online story called
My magical Mum.
Then I wrote about why my Mum is magic to me.

Mother's day alphabet challenge

I thought of a word for each letter of the alphabet to describe my Mum.
This was a fun activity.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Recount Writing. At the Circus.

WALT write interesting stories for our readers.
On Sunday afternoon I went to the circus with my cousin
and uncle and nana.  
First, we had to pay for our tickets.  It cost heaps of money.  
You could not pay by eftpos, it was cash only.  
My mum said, “That’s dumb, there’s no eftpos.”  
So my mum texted my nana.  We were waiting for her.  
Next, we got a regular candy floss on a big stick and
some popcorn.  The popcorn was so buttery.  
It made my lips feel wierd.  
After that, I went into the circus and I saw a silly clown in there.  
I was trying to get a balloon rose.
The clown stood on the box.  
He could not reach, so the lady gave him
some wobble wheels.  Then he put the lid on.
We thought he was going to fall but he didn’t and
everybody was cheering, but he still could not reach it. 
So he got another wobble wheel.  
Next, we saw the lady on the rope. 
She was doing back flips and she was holding
both hands on the rope and was walking.  
She was so beautiful.  
Then we got our faces painted.  I was a unicorn,
my uncle was spiderman and Dallas was a dragon. 
We were so cool.  
Then we bought some more candy floss.  I got a large one.  
Finally, everybody packed up and went home.  
I had a big smile on my face and I was jumping up
and down and laughing.

Reading: Extraordinary Earthworms

Here is my presentation about extraordinary earthworms.
I used information from my text.

Monday, February 24, 2020

The Treaty of Waitangi video.

I used Explain Everything to record my ideas about the Treaty of Waitangi.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Recount Writing-My draft copy

I am learning to use the correct structure and language for Recount writing
This is the draft copy of my writing

Recount Writing-At the Pools

I am learning to make my writing more interesting for my readers.
This is the published copy of my writing
On Saturday afternoon I went to the pools
with my super aunty and cousin and brothers,
to have a swim with my brother Lebron. 
First, I played splashes with my best cousin.
Then I asked my mum if we could go to the park,
and she said, “yes”. “Come on mum,
we want to go to the park.”
Me and my cousin played on the monkey bars. 
After that, I got a giant ice-cream from my mum. 
Next, we went to Mc Donalds and I got a Happy Meal.  

Finally, I went home to watch a movie. 
I felt amazing because I jumped into the pool
in the deep end.  It was fun.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Treaty of Waitangi

WALT write our ideas about the Treaty of Waitangi.
The Treaty Of Waitangi
The Maori people came to NZ first.
Then the English people came.
Then there were lots of English people.
They started having trouble.
The Maori chiefs sent a letter to the king
in England.
The King sent James Busby 
and William Hobson to help.
The chiefs had a meeting with 
James and William.
They had some ideas.
We will look after each other.
We will look after the things in NZ.
We will look after NZ.
They made a treaty.
Then they signed the treaty.

They became partners.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020