
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Recount Writing At home

WALT use the correct structure and language in our writing At home On Saturday afternoon I went with my mum and brothers to our spa pool in our backyard. We were having a nice soak in the lovely warm water. It was so nice and warm because it was a very cold day. Should I get some snacks yes can I have a muesli bar and a yummy sandwich Mum said, “What do you want Bron?” Bron said, “A water and half a chocolate. Mum said, “OK, coming right up.” Me and Bron were jumping up and down in the spa When Mum got our food, First I ate my yummy sandwich. It was yummy like a lolly. Bron drank his water. He was so hot but then the water was so cold that the water made him cool down. The chocolate made his tummy yummy. When he tasted the chocolate, he was happy like a clown. We ate our food. Then we got out and dried ourselves. My mum said, “Wasn't it nice to have a soak?” We said, “Yes.” Then we played hide in seek in the house. My mum was in. Bron was hiding in our cupboard. I was hiding under .the bed. My mum found Bron first because the door was going to open. The door was opening because Bron couldn't breath. I was the last one to get found. Bron was in. On our last round of playing hide and go seek, Bron had to count up to 30. My mum hid by the curtain. I hid by the door where Bron couldn’t find me. Bron found me first. My mum got found the last. We finished our game and we felt amazing. I was as happy as a clown and I was nearly smart as an owl. Next I said, “Should we play on the trampoline?” Bron and my Mum said, “Yes come on then let's go.” Then when we got on there, my mum was jumping the highest. The leaves were dropping like a feather on a bird. My mum and Bron were so tired that he stopped jumping. I said, “Should we get a drink?” After that we went to see the birds. Me and Bron got to feed the birds. They were starving. My mum said they are really hungry. I felt hungry too. Finally I went to my room and had a story about the night blanket.