
Saturday, August 22, 2020

Learning about sound

WALT find information from the text to answer questions.

Read the text and find the information to answer these questions.

What is sound?

Sound is energy. Sound has power. 

How is sound made?

When you make something vibrate like when you strum a guitar, the vibrations make the air molecules bump into each other. Sound is made by vibrations.

How does sound travel?

Sound starts when something vibrates then the air molecules move and they make a sound wave that takes the sound to your ear.

How do we hear sounds?

Once in your ear , the vibrations travel into the ear canal until they reach the eardrum and then sends a message to your brain and your brain decides what it is.

Why can’t sound be heard in space?

Because there is no air in space. Sound needs air molecules to carry the sound.

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