
Friday, July 31, 2020

Recount writing Flooding.

WALT make our writing more interesting  for our readers.
On Friday afternoon I went to my cousin’s house with my mum and brother. We waited for my cousins to come back home from Auckland. When they came back they saw the huge flood. They saw gushing and rushing flood water. The gushing rushing flood water damaged the road outside our house. It  filled up everywhere right up to the first step of our house.
The flood water filled up the next door neighbours' paddocks. I couldn’t see the grass, I couldn’t see the road. Everything was covered with water. I felt worried. I had a lump in my throat and I was biting the top of my lip. My hands were shaking and my knees felt like rubber. Then my cousins were excited. They wanted to go for a swim in the flood water.
We asked our parents if we could swim in the flood. They said yes. When they said yes, we were jumping up and down. We were as happy as clowns. We were so excited. We got dressed  as fast as we could. Nana saw us in white clothes so she said, “Get dressed in black because all of your white clothes will get paru stains on them and they will get very dirty.”  So we got dressed in black. Dallas said, “Hurry up we wanna go for a  swim.” When we got outside the flooded puddles looked really deep but it was shallow. So we had a swim.  We were doing slides and splashing. First we ran to the first  puddle and to another puddle. At the second  puddle we slid on our puku. My papa felt worried because he thought the flood water was going to go in the house because it was on the 1st step so he grabbed a pump and sucked the water up. We said, “oooooooooo!” 
Luckily he didn't suck all the water. Then we went to the driveway. It was flooded and it was damaged. My papa was worried about the driveway because he thought the cars couldn't drive in but luckily that didn't happen. 
After our swim, me and Anetta-May had a shower because we were so freezing that my fingers were shivering and my legs felt like jelly. It warmed her up  and me up too. I said for fun, “This is warming up my heart.”  We had to wash our hair because we had grass in it. After that we said to Papa, “Why did you suck up all the water.  We wanted to have another swim tomorrow.”  “Too bad.” said Papa. 
Then the rained slowed down. Finally the rain stopped. We all said, “Yay, it’s stopped raining!”
We hoped that everything would go back to normal.  

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