
Friday, July 30, 2021

Writing-Going to Aunty Ebines house.


On the holidays I went to Aunty Ebinies house. I was jumping up and down because I was excited. I went with Taria,Nera and Tate.

 First Taria told us where to put our bags because that was our first time going there. When I went into the living room I felt shy at the start then I got used to them. I asked taria if she could do my nails, yes said taria. She got here suff and did my nails.She had to look very carefully because it was dark. It was dark because one of the lights were broken. She grabbed a nail and put nail glue on and stuck it onto my fingers. She had to press it hard so it would not come off. She also had to blow the fingertip of the nail. Then she cut the top of the nail straight because it was too long then she cut one side then the other side. I felt afraid because I thought she was going to cut my finger. Aunty Ebinie said that here is some outstanding chocolate that your awesome dad got you Taria said thank you.

 Next I painted my lovely nails. Nera said can I do my wonderful nails to Taria? Taria said if there is enough glue because Aunty Ebinie was going to do her beautiful nails but she said you can do them if you want. Nera said do you want to do my nails or should I do it. Taria said I don 't know because i'm not you nera said I will just do it by myself. She put the nails back to front. Taria said why did you put the nail back to front Nera said because the other side was too big.Taria said well it doesn't matter because it suits you. Nera didn't want to do her nails again so she watched the tv.

 Later on Taria said can we watch home that's Sunnies wonderful movie Aunty Ebinie said yes.Then the movie finished.Taria put on take off my make up with me.Then it was my turn I watched asmr well we were watching it Taria said I should of watched this. It was Neras turn but she fell asleep. “Taria said,'' do you want to watch nails? I said ``if you want”Taria said ok. 

After that Taria fell asleep I said Tarz are you awake she didn't replied so I took the roommate and watched asmr on one of the enjoyable videos I feel asleep.

 Finally it was the morning Taria put on a mini thing. I had an awesome day at Aunty Ebnies house. That is an enjoyable house.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amethyst. I like the interesting words describing your nails in your story, e.g 'beautiful'. Next time you might like to add some other describing words like 'shiny, long, sharp, oval, newly polished, elegant'.
    You are very good at using full stops in your writing Amethyst. Well done.
    Mrs Graham.
