
Wednesday, June 2, 2021


WALT use the structure and language for Recount Writing.


On Saturday morning me,my mum and Bron drove to Rugby. The teams were Moerewa and Kaikohe. First my mum's team, which is Kaikohe, had to get ready for the game. The game started at 2:15. While they were getting ready I played with my hand ball. 

Next it was time for their game I went by the stairs. Halfway up the stairs, I saw Dadu and I sat by him. It was freezing. Luckily Dadu had an umbrella for us. At half time there was a bad injury. Heaps of people went over to see if the rugby player was ok. 

Then  the game was done, so me and my mum went into the kitchen to go get a drink. My Mum had a beer and I had some chips and a fizzy.  Bron had the same thing as me. 

After that we had kai. There were sausages, potato salad and steam pudding. The steam pudding was marvelous and yummy. 

After we finished kai, me and Bron played tag it was fun for me and Bron Iwas in on the first round. I got bron easily because to me he is slow.Finally we went home. My mum stayed there because she was having some beers.I had a great time at the Ruby club. Finally we went home. My mum stayed at the rugby club  because she was having some beers.  I had a great time at the Ruby club.                                              

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