
Monday, August 24, 2020

Winter bear

I made my art work with blue  and green dye  I blew  black  paint  with a straw to make my tree.



Here is my spider from the story, A spider in the shower.

Place value

WALT  find how many  hundreds, ones in three digit numbers.

Letter to my mum.

 WALT talk  about what we are learning about sound.I wanted to share  with  my family what  I was learning about sound

We wrote letters to our parents to explain what we were learning for our Inquiry. Dear Mum From Amethyst. We are learning about sound. The first thing that I learnt was that if you make a sound the particles move from particles until it gets to your ear and then it gets to the eardrum and it goes through your bones and then to the stirrup and then the cochlea and grabs the message and then it sends a message to your brain. Another fact that I learnt was that sound is energy like light or electricity. Sound is made when objects vibrate. Sound vibrations travel in waves by pushing air particles together. Vibrations can be powerful. The stronger the vibrations the louder the sound. I also learnt that if you have a tuning fork and bang it on the table to make it vibrate then put it in water it will make a splash because of the vibrations. We did an experiment with sprinkles and glad wrap over a bowl. We put the sprinkles on the gladwrape  and made an ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sound. The sprinkles moved because of the vibrations coming from our  sound. Another experiment we did was with a tuning fork and a string and a ping pong ball. We made the tuning fork vibrate and put it by the ping pong ball and the vibrations moved the ping pong ball. You can feel the vibrations from the tuning fork. They feel buzzy and ticklish. Another experiment was with some rice and a container and a wooden spoon. We made the rice jump by made a loud noise next to the container. All of our experiments showed us that sound is energy because it can make things move. I also learnt that in space there is no sound. The only way that sound can work is if you have air.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Learning about sound

WALT find information from the text to answer questions.

Read the text and find the information to answer these questions.

What is sound?

Sound is energy. Sound has power. 

How is sound made?

When you make something vibrate like when you strum a guitar, the vibrations make the air molecules bump into each other. Sound is made by vibrations.

How does sound travel?

Sound starts when something vibrates then the air molecules move and they make a sound wave that takes the sound to your ear.

How do we hear sounds?

Once in your ear , the vibrations travel into the ear canal until they reach the eardrum and then sends a message to your brain and your brain decides what it is.

Why can’t sound be heard in space?

Because there is no air in space. Sound needs air molecules to carry the sound.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Addition of 2 digit numbers.

 WALT  solve addition problems with 2 digit numbers.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

3 digit numbers.

 WALT find hundreds tens and ones in 3 digit numbers.

Monday, August 17, 2020

3 digit numbers

WALT understand 3 digit numbers 

Monday, August 10, 2020

Sound Science


Place value

WALT say how many  hundreds ,tens and ones in 3 digit numbers.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Writing assessment

I  have been learning to mark my own writing.My birthday
Yesterday afternoon I stayed at my dad's house with my brothers and Tasha. It was in Paihia. We played on the devices. First I watched troom  troom while  Bron was Playing On The Xbox He was playing  racing games He came 6th place. At lunch time my dad made us a yummy lunch. We had marshmallows and sausage rolls and popcorn. It was delicious like lollies and juice. It was amazing. Then we went outside and played hide in  seek in the rain. Le Bron was in the rain  slowly stopped. We said yay he counted up to 57 I hid behind  the bushes I said I'm ready. He looked behind the car and saw me doing weaving. He said I found   you.  Next we went back in the house. My dad said 9 minutes until you are going to your mother's house  so your mother can spend some time with you ok dad. It has been 9 minutes so i'm going to drop you off. I'll get the car started ok he started up the car and turned on the heater so it could be warm lets get in the car ok. After That we were at my mums  house  she said happy birthday ame thanks can you help carry some food yup when we carried the stafe  in  side she said look under your pillow i was so excited under my pillow  it was a bag I opened the bag it was clothes I had a adidas t-shirt and adidas jersey and tights I said yay. Finally we went to bed. I had an amazing day. It was awesome and cool. I like birthdays I thought it was amazing day

I scored my writing 19 points. That means I am a 2b writer.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Place value

WALT say how many  hundreds ,tens and ones in 3 digit numbers.