
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Daisy Science Experiment

 WALT make predictions and observe carefully.

Friday, September 11, 2020

My Spelling Graph.


My Learning Wall

Here is my remarkable learning wall. It shows me what level I am on and what I need to do to get to the next level.  

Made with Padlet

My Writing Graph

My writing graph  shows  that I am writing above my expected level.


My Reading Graph

My reading graph shows I am reading above my expected level.


My Reading Recording.

I am reading at level  27


My yellowing up sheet.


SMART Relationships

We are learning to be SMART if something happens online that we don’t like.

 We were learning about what you do when someone´s mean online.
I found it easy to do the back ground for my infographic.

I found it hard to find the images.
I really enjoyed doing my background and my STOP and my writing.
Next time I need to follow these rules so I don´t say mean things back.