
Friday, April 16, 2021

Painting cats.

I painted my favorite cat from our Cat poem.


Pencil Sketch Cats

WALT use lines to show texture in our pencil sketches. We used soft lines,straight lines and curvy lines. 


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The water cycle

WALT  use the correct language for explain writing

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Explain writing-Water cycle


Walt use the correct structure and language for explain writing. 
Why is the water cycle important to our Earth?
The water cycle is a path. The water cycle moves the water on earth around. It stores water in rivers, lakes ,oceans and ponds. The sun heats up the water and it turns to water vapour. The water vapour goes into the clouds and it changes back to liquid water. Then it falls back to the ground and the cycle starts again. It keeps on going. It goes round and round and it never stops. Why is the water cycle important to earth? The water cycle is important because it gives us fresh water to all living things on earth. As a result the water cycle helps our planet and if we didn't have a water cycle we would have no rain for animals to drink. Because the water cycle always moves around the world, it keeps us alive. If we didn't have a water cycle we would die because humans and animals would have no water. So that's why the water cycle is important to earth.